When Car Insurance Is Your Friend
When Car Insurance Is Your Friend Sadly, even today, people tend to be rather callous when the question of car insurance comes up. Many give the excuse that since they are good drivers they will not need insurance at all. However, road traffic is not what it used to be and you can never predict what is going to happen on the road even if you follow all the driving rules. THE IMPORTANCE OF CAR INSURANCE Why do you need a car insurance policy? It offers you coverage in the event of losses arising from traffic accidents. As an example, just look at the following. Let us say that your car was hit by a falling tree and got totally smashed. If you had taken out a car insurance policy, the loss would be written off by your insurance company. If this were to happen, you would be better advised to go in for a new car instead of trying to repair the old one. COVERAGE OFFERED BY CAR INSURANCE - Property Damage Liability Coverage: This policy type pays for accidental damage to someon...